Send email with options in Power Apps using Office365Outlook Connector

I just recently found the “Send mail with options” function in Power Apps with the Office365Connector. It seems to have two items that it needs in order to run:


I am assuming the “NotificiationURL” is the address that will recieve the response, however the “message” is saying that it needs a record.

I am not too sure where to go from here.

Any suggestionson how to use this feature?

I tried just writing a text message. It noted that it expected a record. I then tried using {} to formulate a message using {to:, subject:, body:, choices:} but it then asked for an expected “Attachements” as a table. I tried adding an “Attachements:” section, but that did not work. I then tried embedding a SendEmail(V2) function, but that did not work either.

Following is an example, of how you can use this feature:

        To: "[email protected]", 
        Subject: "This Is My Options Email Title", 
        Options: "Option1,Option2,Option3", 
        HeaderText:"Header Text", 
        SelectionText: "Selection text", 
        Body: "This is the message you want to send", 
        Importance: "Low", 
        UseOnlyHTMLMessage: true, 
        HideHTMLMessage: true, 
        HideMicrosoftFooter: true, 
        ShowHTMLConfirmationDialog: true 

Above mentioned are the minimum required attributes you must pass to send an email.

Definitions of the attributes:

  • To: email of the person, to whom you want to send mail
  • Subject: Subject of the mail, Options: Options you want to send,
  • HeaderText: Header of your selection options
  • SelectionText: Text (question/instruction) you want to put for the options
  • Body: Any other details you want to add other than SelectionText
  • Importance: level of the severity of the mail
  • UseOnlyHTMLMessage: true if you want to use HTML text in your body (instead of simple text)
  • HideMicrosoftFooter: A default the connector adds a footer (put it false if you don’t want to put it)
  • ShowHTMLConfirmationDialog: After the user has picked an option, keeping this true will show them a confirmation message
    (screen) for their selected option

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