Malloc: double free error on M3 Macbook pro

I am working on a Django python project with a postgres db hosted with The code works fine on server and my imac. I recently got a Macbook Pro M3 (running sonoma). I have replicated the exact same setup and environment however when I try to run the code locally, I get Python(40505,0x1704f7000) malloc: … Read more

Sum With Conditions In Excel Sheet

500g (Pkr 700) 500g (Pkr 1250) 500g (Pkr 900) 500g (Pkr 350) Pkr 1000 Pkr 750 This is the data from the Third row of the sheet . What formula should i use To extract values coming after Pkr and add all those extracted values. For Instance. The Total Sum of these cell 500g (Pkr … Read more

Placeholders are not visible on Android

I have the following code <VerticalStackLayout Grid.Row=”0″ Margin=”30,10,30,10″> <Entry Text=”{Binding DatoEmpresa.Empresa}” Placeholder=”Empresa” Margin=”30,5,30,0″/> <Entry Text=”{Binding DatoEmpresa.PersonaContacto}” Placeholder=”Persona de Contacto” Margin=”30,5,30,0″/> <Entry Text=”{Binding DatoEmpresa.Especialidad}” Placeholder=”Especialidad” Margin=”30,5,30,0″/> <Entry Text=”{Binding DatoEmpresa.Telefono}” Placeholder=”Teléfono” Margin=”30,5,30,0″ Keyboard=”Telephone”/> <Entry Text=”{Binding DatoEmpresa.Notas}” Placeholder=”Observaciones” Margin=”30,5,30,0″/> <Grid Margin=”0,0,0,10″ ColumnDefinitions=”*,*,*”> <ImageButton x:Name=”btnSaveUpdate” Grid.Column=”0″ Margin=”20″ Command=”{Binding SaveDatosCommand}” Source=”save_file.png” WidthRequest=”20″ HeightRequest=”20″/> <ImageButton x:Name=”btnDelete” Grid.Column=”1″ Margin=”20″ Command=”{Binding DeleteDatosCommand}” Source=”delete.png” … Read more

Update related entity from event-listener callback

General Problem We have two entities, Parent and Child with a one-to-many relationship between them. When updating the Parent we want to update some entries in all related children automatically. For sake of simplicity we are storing the changed property (value) in the child-entity as well. The actual problem involves changing different properties and calculating … Read more

not able to run.bat or .exe file on wine(in ubuntu system) [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed yesterday. Improve this question I downloaded a voice conversion model in my ubuntu 20.04 … Read more

Running flask and python-telegram-bot (asyncio) in the same process

I am trying to initialize Flask and python-telegram-bot in the same process in Python 3.11. But the problem is that flask is blocking and python-telegram-bot uses asyncio. Now, this is the code I have. First in the main function I try to initialize my two modules from web_server import init_web_server from telegram_bot import … Read more

How to presist data in even if the docker conatiner is exit [closed]

Closed. This question is not about programming or software development. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a … Read more

Changing state in vuex store is slow

I have a vue single page app that accepts xml in a form of a string, parses it and creates clickable xml tree. Each node is it’s own component with a xml path property. I allow user to right-click a node on the xml tree and choose from a list of properties. Choosing one dispatches … Read more