Field with @Mock annotation initialize vs. @BeforeAll

I have the following static mocking settings: @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) TestClass{ @Mock private static ClassB classBInstance; @BeforeAll static void setup(){ MockedStatic<ClassA> mockedStatic = mockStatic(ClassA.class); mockedStatic.when(() -> ClassA.someMethod(ClassB.class)).thenReturn(classBInstance); } @Test void testMethod(){ var mockedInstanceReference = ClassA.someMethod(ClassB.class); } } And here I am getting a null reference at mockedInstanceReference field. But in this configuration: @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) TestClass{ @Mock private static … Read more

Clingo constraint not working properly and being ignored

I have a Clingo program optimising parcel delivery, and there are 2 constraints to limit the weight and the volume a car can deliver respectively, however these constraints are not working. weightLimit(500). volumeLimit(1000). cars(2). parcel(1,a,1,400). parcel(2,b,1,400). parcel(3,c,1,400). %Constraint volume :- #sum {V, X, Y, T: assign(X, Y), parcel(X,_,T,_), parcelType(T,V)} > volumeLimit. %Constraint weight limit :- … Read more

UPDATE Stock table quantity based on order, and stock id

I’m having trouble creating a sql statement that will update the quantityonhand based on the order placed on my website (fake order), What I have right now: function updateStock($databaseConnection, $stockItemID, $amount){ $Query = “UPDATE stockitemholdings SET QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand-$newQuantity WHERE StockItemID= “; $Statement = mysqli_prepare($databaseConnection, $Query); mysqli_stmt_bind_param($Statement, “ii”, $amount, $stockItemID); mysqli_stmt_execute($Statement); $rowsChanged = mysqli_stmt_get_result($Statement); ?> … Read more

Python multiprcessing on Windows with dynamic types

import multiprocessing class Handler: pass handler = type(‘HandlerClass’, (int, Handler),{“const”: [123]}) def stream_process(H): h=H() print(h.const) processes = [ multiprocessing.Process(target=stream_process, args=( handler,), name=f”server #{i}”) for i in range(4) ] for process in processes: process.start() for process in processes: process.join() raises error Traceback (most recent call last): File “C:\Projects\winmp\”, line 18, in <module> process.start() File “C:\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\multiprocessing\”, line … Read more

Active multiple browsers windows at once

I am working on a project where i want to use 4 browser windows active at once but the problem is when i click on 1 window the other windows get unactive. So kindly help me what should i do, I have tried to find many ways but didn’t work. I hope you understand my … Read more