Xcode 15 drag and drop to canvas not working?

I am new to Xcode and Swift development in general, just something to keep in mind.

I can see that everyone can drag and drop elements from the Library whilst holding ctrl but that does not seem to be working for me… Is there a way to fix this or am I being dumb and just accidentally changed something that I shouldn’t have.

Drag and drop only seems to work for the editor but not for the canvas

Xcode Version 15.0

I have tried every possible key combination and it does not seem to be working…

  • Drag an drop to Canvas? I think you may be talking about a Storyboard. Canvas is generally for SwiftUI and Storyboard for UIKit. They can interface but generally you don’t drop and drag to a SwiftUI Canvas.


  • @loremipsum I mean I am currently looking at a tutorial and it clearly says import SwiftUI and I can see them dragging and dropping elements from the object library and it working whilst showing a blue bar at the location of the drop point.


  • Is it an old tutorial? Canvas has changed a lot over the years with tons of functionality being gained and lost…


  • youtu.be/b1oC7sLIgpI?si=fsd4BiYyvUMocAtK. Could be that its an older version of Xcode


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