WSL2 network performance degrades with big files [closed]

WSL network transfer rate decreases when transferring big files.

To reproduce, you can try to upload a file in the order of 100MB or larger.

  • This is off-topic here (not a programming question). As for bug reports (in your answer): again, not for Stack Overflow.


There are a couple of bugs reported. Here are some links:

Very slow network speed on WSL2 · Issue #4901

Very slow network speeds #8171 – microsoft/WSL

low internet speed in WSL 2


Note that Windows 11 does not show virtual adapters so I had to apply the workaround using Powershell as Administrator:

 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Enable-NetAdapterLso -Name vEthernet* -IncludeHidden -IPv4
 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Enable-NetAdapterLso -Name vEthernet* -IncludeHidden -IPv6                                           PS 

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