wpf Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element [closed]

i am trying to style a border brush based on the selected colour in a colour picker control
as shown below

XAML side

<Border Width="50"
        Background="{DynamicResource DarkBackgroundBrush}"
        BorderBrush="{Binding BorderColour}"

ViewModel side

private Brush _borderColour;
public Brush BorderColour
        return _borderColour;
        if (value != _borderColour)
            _borderColour = value;

i am not getting any errors except from this Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element
when i debug, nothing is null and i can assign the selected colour value but it’s never shown in xaml, i think i am missing some sort of converting but not sure how to fix it.

any idea please?

  • This might be the problem with mentioned Colour Picker Control, because when set default value to private Brush _borderColour = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LimeGreen);, it’s being shown correctly. Provide full XAML and ViewModel code to reproduce the issue.


  • Does it work if you hard code a brush? Unclear what the picker is returning.


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