Why isn’t array[i] < min && min = array[i]; grammatically correct?

    // let min =;
    // let max = ;

    function minMax(array) {
      let min = 0;
      let max = 0;

      for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        array[i] < min && min = array[i];
        array[i] > max && max = array[i];



VS Code says there are two problems, ‘;’ is expected, but I’ve already provided the ‘;’.
enter image description here

I don’t know what to do, a if sentence can avoid this issue, but I’d like to know why the above way isn’t working.

  • 3

    The part on the left of the = is where the data on the right of the = will be stored. How would you store array[i] inside of the expression array[i] < min && min? It doesn’t make sense, which is why that’s an error. I think you just have what each side is for confused.


  • btw, your starting values should be better the first value of the array instead of zero. if you do not want to take them, you could Number.MAX_VALUE and the negative value of it.


  • @NinaScholz Or just -Infinity


If you want to do that, you should wrap it with parentheses

    array[i] < min && (min = array[i]);
    array[i] > max && (max = array[i]);

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