I’m trying to plot a map using this dataframe (df_FR_1)
My problem is when I try to use choropleth_mapbox like this :
px.choropleth_mapbox(df_FR_1, geojson = geo_reg, locations="Code", color="Range de veillisement",
#color_discrete_map = col_dis_mp,
featureidkey="properties.code", mapbox_style="white-bg",
center = {'lat': 46.5, 'lon': -0.1}, zoom = 4.1, animation_frame="Year"
I cannot understand why the plot gives only 2 discrete values, when in total there are 3 :
So the final plot gives me errors like this :
There are values for all years and all Colum ‘Code’.
Can someone help me please ?
Thanks in advance,
What is the type of data for the year? Also, what about converting the aging range to a categorical variable? Can you submit reproducible data? Data would increase your chances of getting an answer.
Hello, thanks for your answer. The type of year is “int” and I use categorical because it’s easier to distinguish the differences between territories and continuous values. Total data is 322 rows, i’m not sur if is possible submit that here……
Maybe someone have also issues using categorical values in choropleth_mapbox ? because when I use continuos all is ok…