What is the pattern to copy only json files using Azure CopyFiles@2?

I am using Azure CopyFiles@2 in pipeline.yaml file to copy json file from root folder to drop location, but it’s copying everything.

I have tried below code.

- task: CopyFiles@2
  displayName: "Copy Files to: $(DropLocation)"
  condition: always()
      SourceFolder: $(build.sourcesdirectory)
      Contents: "**/*.json"
      TargetFolder: "$(DropLocation)"
      flattenFolders: true

Please let me know the correct pattern to copy only json files which are at $(build.sourcesdirectory) location.

  • Your task setting will copy all *.json files including the ones in subfolders, it won’t copy everything. If you are checking the $(DropLocation) content, make sure it’s empty before the task.


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