I want to use some transitions in my Vue3 SPA.
I use Vuetify and vue-router.
I have ‘’’’’’ in two places.
If put the transition into App.ejvue, it works fine, but only, when the whole app loads.
But, if I try to put the transition component inside my layout structure, the exactly same transition what I used in App.vue does nothing.
What would be the problem?
// App.vue
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="slide">
<component :is="Component" />
<style scoped>
.wrapper {
width: 100%;
min-height: 100vh;
.slide-leave-active {
transition: all 0.75s ease-out;
// further css
But, if I try to use it inside my layout, it does nothing.
Where is the problem?
// DefaultLayout.vue
<top-bar />
<default-view />
<bottom-bar />
<script setup>
// imports
// DefaultView.vue
<v-main class="mt-3 ml-2 mr-2">
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="slide">
<component :is="Component" />
<style scoped>
.wrapper {
width: 100%;
min-height: 100vh;
.slide-leave-active {
transition: all 0.75s ease-out;
// further css
// router/index.js
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
const routes = [
path: "https://stackoverflow.com/",
component: () => import('@/layouts/default/DefaultLayout.vue'),
children: [
path: '',
name: 'home',
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "home" */ '@/views/HomeView.vue'),
meta: { requiresAuth: false },
// ... other routes defined here
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),
export default router