VS 2022 ASP.NET localhost “This site does not have a certificate.”

Something strange is suddenly happening with the localhost SSL cert when developing on my local pc. I am using a freshly installed VS 2022 enabled for asp.net web development.

When I use the New Project wizard to create a very basic C# ASP.NET Core Web App and select the “Configure for HTTPS” checkbox the project is is created and builds fine.

When I Debug the app I am asked to create and trust a new cert for localhost – as expected – which I can then see in my Windows Personal Certificates folder.

All fine so far.

Except when the browser comes at the app appdress (https://localhost:7076/ in this case) there is no cert attached to the site at all. Of course the browser complains the site is not secure.

This issue happens whether I use the ASP.NET Development Server or IIS Express. Both have the same problem. Its like they do not know to bind the cert to the running app?

All help appreciated!



I created and debugged a basic ASP.NET Core web application from the VS 2022 template.

I expcted a localhost cert to be created which it was.

I expected this cert to be applied to the app when I ran it in debug mode. But no cert is attached.

Screenshot of Edge saying the site has no cert

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    “browser complains the site is not secure” – this is a simplified interpretation of what you actually experience. What exactly do you see, what is the exact error message you get?


  • Hi Steffen. Thanks for your time. As I said above the site has no cert attached. I have added a screenshot of Edge browser displaying this to the bottom of the original post.


  • The “no certificate attached” is due to the TLS handshake failing and says nothing about the server having a certificate or not. The reason for the handshake failure is shown “ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH”. This might for example be the case if you are trying to access a server (or at least the specific server port) configured for plain HTTP with HTTPS.


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