using sql concat through SQLAlchemy duplicates value

I have stored procedure which I call using SQLAlchemy that concatenates a column in MSSQL. When I run the same stored procedure through MSSQL, it behaves correctly but running through SQLAlchemy it duplicates the value.

stored procedure:

UPDATE table
SET LocationId = @LocationId,
BoxesDelivered = @BoxesDelivered,
TrackingNo = @BatchNumber,
From = CONCAT(From, CHAR(13), CHAR(10), @Info)
WHERE JobCode = @JobCode;

Here is the SQLAlchemy code:

 update_location = "EXEC UpdateCallerLocation "\
     "@JobCode=:job_code, "\
     "@LocationId=:new_location_id, "\
     "@BoxesDelivered=:boxes_delivered, "\
     "@BatchNumber=:batch_number, "\

Running this via SQLAlchemy and I get the following:

order delivered on: 01-11-2023    
order delivered on: 11-11-2023
order delivered on: 11-11-2023

the last 2 entries are duplicated executing the stored procedure once through SQLAlchemy.

  • Ensure you are not creating a new session unintentionally for each call.


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