Use python code block to change raw rows from Google Sheets into list of lists

I am working with data set I pull from Google sheets into Zapier. The data set looks like the below, and I am writing a code block to compare a users values against the all the values in the data set.

Bank   |   Product |   Bundle |   Restriction Geo |   Restriction Geo 2 |   Restriction Geo Val |   Restriction Type |   Restriction Type Val
Wells      Savings     Ind,Sp      State                                      NY,CA,NV                General                100%                                                  
JMorg       IRA        Ind         County                  CA                 Solano, Marin           Claims                 3
Goldman    Savings     All         Zip                                        94954,27717,38002       Credit Score           680
Wells      Savings     All         Zip                                        48441                   General                100%

The issue I am running into is that some of the cells are themselves CSVs, so I can’t pull each of the formatted columns individually and split them via .split(“,”). I think that what I need is to work with the raw rows, which have the following format:


The raw rows come through as a single text string, rather than a list of lists, which is what I want. I tried running this regex pattern


to extract each of the matches as line items, but this both keeps the opening and closing brackets, and leaves the values within quotes and not as lists. What I am trying to get is essentially a list of lists of lists, something like;

[[Wells,Savings,[Ind,Sp],State, ,[NY,CA,NV]...]]

This way I can do something like (I have already have this part written, and it works on test data, but that test data is already formatted as lists of lists).

for d in data_set:
   temp_val = []
   if d[0] == "Wells":
      temp_val = d[2].split(",")
      for t in temp_val:
         if t == "Ind":
            ###do something"

  • Would you be able to provide a minimal reproducible example of your code showing how the rows are extracted? I assume this isn’t done via Sheets API (which should return a list of lists if values of a range are extracted) as you’re pulling the raw rows from Zapier.


I believe that what you’re looking to do is loop through your lists and convert any comma separated value into a nested list inside the main lists. The below block of code will accomplish that.

Input and code:

lists= [['Wells', 'Savings', 'Ind,Sp', 'State', '', 'NY,CA,NV', 'General', '100%'], ['JMorg', 'IRA', 'Ind', 'County', 'CA', 'Solano,Marin', '48441', 'General', '100%']]
for l in lists:
    for idx,word in enumerate(l):
            if "," in word:
                    l[idx] = word.split(",")


[['Wells', 'Savings', ['Ind', 'Sp'], 'State', '', ['NY', 'CA', 'NV'], 'General', '100%'], ['JMorg', 'IRA', 'Ind', 'County', 'CA', ['Solano', 'Marin'], '48441', 'General', '100%']]

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