URL redirect on Google Cloud DNS [closed]

I have two domains on Google Cloud domains. E.g.,



I have set up Google CloudDNS for mymaindomain.com (A, AAAA, and CNAME records). I would like forward myseconddomain.com to mymaindomain.com. However, I don’t see a clean URL Redirect type of feature.

I need to make this change because google is deprecating support for Google Domains as per this article.

How do I set up this forwarding (it was really easy on Google Domains, but don’t see a clean option in Google Cloud Console to do this)?

  • Is this both root domains? or one root domain and the other one is subdomain? Can you share a documentation on how you configure this under google domain please.


  • I voted to close this question because it is not a programming question and it is off-topic on Stack Overflow. Non-programming questions about your website should be asked on Webmasters. Please delete your question here and re-ask it there.


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