I’m having trouble creating a sql statement that will update the quantityonhand based on the order placed on my website (fake order),
What I have right now:
function updateStock($databaseConnection, $stockItemID, $amount){
$Query = "UPDATE stockitemholdings
SET QuantityOnHand = QuantityOnHand-$newQuantity
WHERE StockItemID= ";
$Statement = mysqli_prepare($databaseConnection, $Query);
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($Statement, "ii", $amount, $stockItemID);
$rowsChanged = mysqli_stmt_get_result($Statement);
What it is now:
Grapes: StockItemID= 1 QuantityOnHand=175609
Apples : 2 165538
Bananas: 3 253190
Kiwi's 4 208109
Grapefruit 5 199064
Pear 6 196995
the order:
10 apples, 10 bananas, 10 kiwi’s, 10 grapefruit, 10 pears, 10 grapes.
What it needs to be after
QuantityOnHand= 175599
this question is in severe need of editing fixes. anyway, did you forget php tag?
if you really need in SQL statement then remove all PHP code which is excess and unrelated.
the order: 10 apples, 10 bananas, 10 kiwi’s, 10 grapefruit, 10 pears, 10 grapes. How do you provide this data into SQL query? in what format?
Your code is generating a
Warning: Undefined variable $newQuantity
, you should fix that@BagusTesa, yes I did forget the PHP tag.
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