Unable to install Microsoft Entity Framework Core for a web application [closed]

These are the errors I get when I try to install the package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore:

Error Code

It’s a completely new ASP.NET Core 8 project, I haven’t written any code yet.

I tried to reinstall Visual Studio 2022, to use the newest versions of NuGet, VS etc., clear the NuGet storage with

dotnet nuget locals all --clear

and verified that the Package Sources are correct.

Package Sources

  • its a ASP.NET Core Web App with .NET 8.0


  • 1

    Which version of VS 2022 are you using? .NET 8 requires VS 2022 v17.8.x – any earlier versions won’t work


  • yeah the version is 17.8.0


You may try this:

dotnet restore Solution.sln --source "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"

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