I’m trying to create a super thin UIVisualEffectView (2 pixels tall) with a blur effect. I’m attaching it to the bottom of a collection view cell. The issue on scrolling the effect view flickers between a black color and the blur (sometimes it will remain black when I stop scrolling). When I increase the height to 3 pixels, it behaves normally.
Is there a limitation on how small I can make a UIVisualEffectView before it behaves unpredictably? If so, is there a workaround?
Are you making it 2 pixels or 2 points tall? At that size, do you really notice a difference between using a translucent view vs a “blur” view?
i’m making it 2 points tall. it’s not too noticeable but you can tell
Without testing, I’d say it’s very possible that 2-point tall
might not work well. Try using a larger view and masking it to your desired height.