Terraform Plan error: Probable TLS problem

I am using a workstation to connect to a VMware server that runs a VSphere CLient.
The IP of the Vsphere (where i can access it through a browser with login) is
I manually installed the plugin VSphere and when hitting the
terraform init
It works.
When Instead in the next step i use
terraform plan
The error is

Error: error setting up new vSPhere SOAP client: Post "https://IP_ADDRESS": 
tls: server chose an unconfigured cipher suite. 

From this line i could tell that the problem is related to SSL certificate: for instance when accessing the Vsphere client i have to confirm the access since is not labeled as secure (Connection on the site is not secure)

I tried both use the IP address and the name of vsphere client, the password and username im sure are ok.
This part of code is

     vsphere = {
         source = "local/hashicorp/vsphere"
provider "vsphere" {
  version = "2.4.3"
  user = "USERNAME"
  password = "PASSWORD"
  vsphere_server = "IP_ADDRESS"
  allow_unverfied_ssl = True

In the line with vpshere_server I also tried adding https//:.

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