Given an std::vector containing 5k CGAL::Line_2, I need to compute all the intersection points and sort them in increasing lexicographic order. I am using exact arithmetic, in particular Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.
I tried the following code:
using Point2 = CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel::Point_2;
std::vector<Point2> vertices;
vertices.resize(lines.size() * (lines.size() - 1));
std::atomic<size_t> counter{ 0 };
std::cout << "START vertices" << std::endl;
static tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range2d<int, int>(0, lines.size(), 0, lines.size()),
[&](tbb::blocked_range2d<int, int>& r) {
if (r.rows().end() > r.cols().begin())
for (int i = r.rows().begin(); i < r.rows().end(); ++i)
for (int k = r.cols().begin(); k < r.cols().end(); ++k)
if (k == i) continue;
const auto intersection = CGAL::intersection(lines[k], lines[i]);
if (intersection)
const Point2* point = boost::get<Point2>(&*intersection);
CGAL_precondition(point != nullptr);
vertices[counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed)] = *point;
std::cout << "START sorting of " << vertices.size() << " vertices" << std::endl;
static tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
tbb::parallel_sort(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), CGAL::Less<Point2, Point2>());
std::cout << "DONE sorting" << std::endl;
The code takes around 2.2 minutes with 4 cores and 4.8 minutes with 8 cores.
In particular, parallel_sort takes most of the execution time to finish.
I believe memory transfers are the problem here, as the profiler shows that most of the time is spent for OS routines calls.
Still, I am not sure about how things could be improved here, do you have any suggestion? thanks
Look up “false sharing”, e.g.…
IDK if
is often executed (it depends of the actual values we do not know), but this portion of the code will be serialised. Atomic operation are serialized on x86-64 CPUs and they are pretty slow too (AFAIK this is mostly the cause on ARM too and many other architectures). You should partition data and use thread-local data structure to avoid performance issues.Btw, it is not clear whether
is the issue or not on the profiler. It looks like this is the code above. AFAIK,tbb::parallel_sort
should already care about false-sharing, locks/atomics issues and avoid that. To confirm the memory issue hypothesis, you can use hardware performance counters. IMC ones can give you the DRAM throughput. VTune has a user-friendly benchmark for that in the list (though it tends to make my Windows crash on my machine :/ ).