If you are looking for stephen merchant portal, simply check out our links below :
1. Portal 2: Behind Wheatley – YouTube

Uploaded by IGN
2. Portal 2 Trailer – Meet Wheatley “Stephen Merchant” (HD 720p …
Uploaded by VE3TRO
3. Stephen Merchant On His ‘Exhausting’ ‘Portal 2’ Performance …
It’s safe to say that Stephen Merchant’s portrayal of Wheatley, the malfunctioning robotic sphere in “Portal 2,” is one of the best voice over …
4. Wheatley (Portal) – Wikipedia
Lego Dimensions (2015)
5. Stephen Merchant talks about Portal 2 : Portal – Reddit
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6. Stephen Merchant Talks Wheatley – IGN
Stephen Merchant talks about playing the role of Wheatley in Portal 2, and the moment when Wheatley turns …
7. Stephen Merchant surprised by fan response to Portal 2 …
Stop reading now if you’re still avoiding Portal 2 spoilers, because Stephen Merchant dropped a few plot points in a recent interview with MTV …
8. Portal 2 (Video Game 2011) – IMDb
Chet Faliszek, Ted Kosmatka | 3 more …
9. Wheatley (Portal) | Neo Encyclopedia Wiki | Fandom
Wheatley is a fictional artificial character in the 2011 video game Portal 2. He is voiced by British comedian Stephen Merchant and created in part by Portal 2’s …
10. Portal 2: Stephen Merchant as Wheatley – The Ricky Gervais …
Uploaded by VE3TRO
11. Portal 2 Gets a Release Date, Stephen Merchant’s Voice …
In June, we heard the bad news that Portal 2 had been delayed to 2011. Now we know where it landed. Game Informer reports that Portal 2 will …
12. Merchant: Portal 2 role was “exhausting” • Eurogamer.net
Recording his dialogue for Portal 2 was one of the most exhausting jobs Stephen Merchant has ever taken on, so says The Office co-creator.