SSH.Net.Sftp Cannot mock non-overridable property

Using a unit test I need to bypass this code and reach return IsFile; line.
The variable client is my own wrapper around SSH.Net SftpClient which I can mock. The enum SftpCheckPathExistence is my own custom enum.


SftpFileAttributes attrs = client.GetAttributes(fileName);
if (attrs.IsDirectory)
    return SftpCheckPathExistence.IsDirectory;

return SftpCheckPathExistence.IsFile;

unit test

clientMock.Setup(f => f.GetAttributes(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(???);

The problem is I cannot mock the return of GetAttributes(filename) which is the class SftpFileAttributes.

1. Write no clientMock.Setup

SftpFileAttributes attrs = client.GetAttributes(fileName); // attrs is null
if (attrs.IsDirectory) // errors because its null

2. First try – return instantiated class

var sftpFileAttributes = new SftpFileAttributes(); // Class has no public constructor, this errors.
sftpFileAttributes.IsDirectory = false; // Property has private setter, this errors.

clientMock.Setup(f => f.GetAttributes(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(sftpFileAttributes);

3. Second try – mock SftpFileAttributes

var sftpFileAttributesMock = new Mock<SftpFileAttributes>();
sftpFileAttributesMock.SetupGet(f => f.IsDirectory).Returns(false);
// This errors because Moq creates a derived class as a mock and IsDirectory is not marked virtual to be overriden.

clientMock.Setup(f => f.GetAttributes(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(sftpFileAttributes.Object);


  Message=Unsupported expression: f => f.IsDirectory
Non-overridable members (here: SftpFileAttributes.get_IsDirectory) may not be used in setup / verification expressions.
   at Moq.Guard.IsOverridable(MethodInfo method, Expression expression)

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