Sorting algorithm on dataframe with swapping rows

I have the following dummy df:

import pandas as pd
data = {
    'address': [1234, 24389, 4384, 4484, 1234, 24389, 4384, 188],
    'old_account': [200, 200, 200, 300, 200, 494, 400, 100],
    'new_account': [300, 100, 494, 200, 400, 200, 200, 200]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

   address  old_account  new_account
0     1234          200          300
1    24389          200          100
2     4384          200          494
3     4484          300          200
4     1234          200          400
5    24389          494          200
6     4384          400          200
7      188          100          200

A) I want to sort it such that I have 200 at old_account and directly in the next row at new_account again:

200 xxx
xxx 200

B) I further want to sort the non-200s such that I start somewhere let’s say with 300 and browse through the whole df looking for 300s and do the switches:

200 300
300 200
200 300

Only once there are no 300s anymore I would go to the next, let’s say 400..

200 300
300 200
200 300
200 400
400 200
200 400

df above should look like this:

   address  old_account  new_account
0     1234          200          300
1     4484          300          200
2    24389          200          100
3      188          100          200
4     4384          200          494
5    24389          494          200
6     1234          200          400
7     4384          400          200

As you can see, the 200s are diagonal to each other and so are the non-200s.

The following code works only for A). I did not manage to also make it consider B)
I have the following code:

import pandas as pd

# Create the initial DataFrame
df= pd.read_csv('dummy_data.csv', sep=';')

# Initiate sorted df
sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)

while not df.empty:
    # Find the first row where '200' is in 'old_account'
    idx_old = df.index[df['old_account'] == 200].min()
    if pd.notna(idx_old):
        # Add the corresponding row to the sorted result
        sorted_df = pd.concat([sorted_df, df.loc[[idx_old]]], ignore_index=True)
        # Remove the row from the original DataFrame
        df = df.drop(index=idx_old)
        # Find the matching row where '200' is in 'new_account'
        idx_new = df.index[df['new_account'] == 200].min()
        if pd.notna(idx_new):
            # Add the corresponding row to the sorted result
            sorted_df = pd.concat([sorted_df, df.loc[[idx_new]]], ignore_index=True)
            # Remove the row from the original DataFrame
            df = df.drop(index=idx_new)
            break  # If no matching row is found, exit the loop
        break  # If no more '200' in 'old_account' is found, exit the loop

# Reset the index of the sorted DataFrame
sorted_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


  • Why getting tied to hard-coded 200 ?


  • I need to start somewhere and 200 is the one that will be in every row. What would you suggest instead?


  • I suggest to find all cross-pairs, having them at the top, and leave all unmatched at the end


It looks like you’re trying to search a Eulerian path in a directed graph.

You might want to use networkx‘s eulerian_path:

import networkx as nx

start = 200

G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="old_account", target="new_account",

tmp = pd.DataFrame(nx.eulerian_path(G, source=start, keys=True),
                   columns=['old_account', 'new_account', 'n'])

out = (tmp.merge(df.assign(n=df.groupby(['old_account', 'new_account']).cumcount()))


   address  old_account  new_account
0     1234          200          400
1     4384          400          200
2     4384          200          494
3    24389          494          200
4    24389          200          100
5      188          100          200
6     1234          200          300
7     4484          300          200

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