Rendering into multiple views with Metal

I have successfully used Metal to render into a simple view, and update at full FPS, by following and modifying the code at

enter image description here

I am now trying to repeat the process by drawing into multiple views in an NSCollectionView.

enter image description here

My render code is as follows, where each view in the NSCollectionView has a global Renderer object as its delegate:

class Renderer {

/// Initialisation as per the linked tutorial

public func draw(in view: MTKView)
    let dataSize     = VERTEX_DATA.count * MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: VERTEX_DATA[0])
    VERTEX_DATA[1][1] = Float(arc4random_uniform(100)) / 100
    let vertexBuffer = view.device?.makeBuffer(bytes:   VERTEX_DATA,
                                              length:  dataSize,
                                              options: [])

    let commandBuffer  = mCommandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()!

    let commandEncoder = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: view.currentRenderPassDescriptor!)
    commandEncoder?.setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0)
    commandEncoder?.drawPrimitives(type: .triangle,
                                 vertexStart: 0,
                                 vertexCount: 3,
                                 instanceCount: 1)



The arc4random_uniform call is to make the triangles change colour, so I can confirm that they are redrawing.

Unfortunately, views only update around 3 times a second, and not at all in sync. Looking at instruments, the GPU is barely breaking a sweat, and the CPU overhead of both WindowServer and my app are pretty huge. The draw function is now very heavy with makeRenderCommandEncoder becoming a real bottleneck, and there are obviously some synchronisation issues given the sporadic updating.

I expected this to be more-or-less similar performance as I’m still doing a trivial amount of drawing, but it really isn’t. What am I doing wrong?

Working example available at

Thank you!

  • There is not enough code here to deduce anything tbh.


  • @Spo1ler is there anything you’d recommend I add to make it clearer? Apart from this, I have the initialisation code as detailed in the link and an AppDelegate, nothing else.


  • in the example you linked, there’s waitUntilCompleted, do you have waitUntilCompleted somewhere?


  • @Spo1ler I do now 😉 good spot! But unfortunately to no avail, same issue. I will add the initialisation code for completeness.


  • More code would be insightful, or better yet a minimum reproducible project. I would suggest looking at what is using up the CPU. arc4random is pretty expensive IIRC, and if you are running 30 of them 30-60 times per second could be part of the problem.


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