Referring to “short texts” in topic modelling and natural language processing, what is the definition of the length of a short text?

When it comes to “short texts” in topic modelling and natural language processing, what exactly is the definition of a short text? I have not been able to find a definitive answer. Could anyone provide a clear definition of the length of a “short text” in these two areas?

I’ve tried searching a lot of papers and I haven’t seen anyone define short text clearly. I’m using Biterm for short texts, but how long a text can be considered a short text? The thesis in this Similar answers, which I also researched, but gave some examples to state that it was a short text and did not give a definition. I checked some other blogs and someone said that as long as it is less than 160 characters it is a short text. But I didn’t find any academic basis for this.

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