Read GetString for 2 languages from RESX results in an error in creating the migration with Entity Framework Core

I know the association between language resources in RESX files and Entity Framework Core seems crazy but I have an issue with it. This is my scenario. I have a Persistence class where I take care of the repositories and the seed of the database. In this project, I have a Dictionary1.resx with a list of words in English and a few others for localization in other languages. To simplify, I have the Dictionary1.resx and

enter image description here

Now, I want to save the list of words in the database in both languages as a seed when the first time the application starts, and the database has not been created yet.

So, I call the ResourceManager to assign a different culture

ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(
    "Dictionary1", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
CultureInfo esCulture = new CultureInfo("es-ES");

Then, I try to add the word using the relative CultureInfo. For example:

public static void Seed(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        new Word
            ID = 61,
            WordName = rm.GetString("Actress", esCulture)

Now, I want to create the migration for the database, and I use the add-migration for it. When I run this one, I get this error from Entity Framework Core.

Unable to create a ‘DbContext’ of type ”. The exception ‘Could not find the resource “Dictionary1.resources” among the resources “LIU.Persistence.Resources.Dictionary1.resources” embedded in the assembly “LIU.Persistence”, nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name.’ was thrown while attempting to create an instance. For the different patterns supported at design time, see

If I comment the creation of the Word, Entity Framework Core can create the migration code. In the following screenshot, you can see the error. The red rectangle is when I comment the creation of the Word.

enter image description here

How can I read the localization from a different culture?

  • 1

    It has nothing to do with EF Core. The baseName argument of the ResourceManager constructor seems to be incorrect, should be new ResourceManager("LIU.Persistence.Resources.Dictionary1", ...)


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