Animation without affecting idle state

Currently, I have a animated circle that worked like this const pulse = (map: MapRef, options: PulseOptions, step: number) => { const { widthKey, key, minWidth, maxWidth, sizePerStep, layerId } = options map.getMap().setPaintProperty(layerId, widthKey, [ “interpolate”, [“linear”], key, 0, minWidth, 1, getPulseWidth(minWidth, maxWidth, step, sizePerStep), ]) } export const startPulse = async (mapRef: MapRef, options: … Read more

When I open XAMPP and click the start MySQL button, it gives me an error

This question was migrated from Stack Overflow because it can be answered on Database Administrators Stack Exchange. Migrated yesterday. 2024-02-07 7:40:50 0 [Note] Starting MariaDB 10.4.32-MariaDB source revision c4143f909528e3fab0677a28631d10389354c491 as process 1524 2024-02-07 7:40:50 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions 2024-02-07 7:40:50 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes 2024-02-07 7:40:50 0 … Read more

OpenCV: Object Detection Issue

I’m facing a challenge and I’m unsure which method to use for detecting gray rectangles on a white background. Here’s a screenshot from a live camera feed: []. The camera is stationary, and the only movement comes from the base along with the gray rectangles on it. My goal is to detect whether these rectangles … Read more

How to turn an object type into a list of name/type pairs at the type level in TypeScript?

Going from a list of name/type pairs to an object type is not particularly challenging: type PropertySpec<K extends string|number|symbol, V> = readonly [K, V]; type UnknownProp = PropertySpec<string|number|symbol, unknown>; type PropSet = ReadonlyArray<UnknownProp>; type CreateObject<Props extends PropSet, OutObj extends Record<string|number|symbol, unknown> = {}> = Props extends [] ? OutObj : Props extends readonly [infer Prop, … Read more

Speed up px choropleth rendering or alternatives

How can I speed up the rendering for choropleth map? Any parameter or anything do you recommend? I just need a simple map colored by zip code. Thanks @st.cache_data(ttl=60*60, show_spinner=False) def load_geo_json(): file_contents = open(‘assets/ct_geo.json’, ‘r’) return json.loads( zipcodes = load_geo_json() fig = px.choropleth(df_active_num_dynamic, geojson=zipcodes, locations=”postalcode”, color=”Active”, color_continuous_scale=”Sunset”, range_color=(0, df_active_num_dynamic[‘Active’].max()), featureidkey=”properties.ZCTA5CE10″, scope=”usa”, custom_data=[“postalcode”, “Active”, “city”,] … Read more

Java: Inserting node at the end of a LinkedList

I am currently learning Java and data structures, and I am trying to use insertion to insert the values in a double array to a LinkedList by only inserting each element at the end of the list. I’ve seen many samples online but the structure I am working with is different from what I’ve seen … Read more