How to add a volume/volumeMount from helm chart?

I am trying to install official helm chart of grafana/loki-stack on my (on premis) kubernetes cluster, I have persistent volume claim to add loki/promtail for persistence, but how to add ? For the moment I have installed in namespace monitoring with this 2 command: helm repo add grafana and helm -n monitoring install grafana/loki-stack … Read more

Update multiple granules in GeoServer image mosaic store via Rest API

I have an image mosaic store that handles .tiff with the TIME dimension enabled. Every hour I add 240 new files and remove the older ones. Currently I’m updating this store using the REST API and adding one file at a time using the “/workspaces/{workspace}/coveragestores/{store}/external.imagemosaic” endpoint where I send the path of the file as … Read more

Elliptical curve MQV primitive implementation in C language [closed]

Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. It does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 … Read more

Flutter GetX Bindings not deleting Controller properly

I use GetMaterialApp and getPages a list with GetPage. I cannot grasp how some controllers get deleted and initialized. One of the pages, which is the first one I am implementing this on, is this page: GetPage( name: Routes.registration, page: () => const RegistrationScreen(), binding: RegistrationBindings(), ), Where my binding is following: class RegistrationBindings implements … Read more

java: package com.mysql.cj.jdbc does not exist Spring Boot Java

I’m very new to development, and I’m attempting to run an old project on my local machine. However, when I try to run it, I encounter the error message: “java: package com.mysql.cj.jdbc does not exist.” I have configured Java 1.8 in the Project Structure settings, as well as in the Edit Configuration, since it was … Read more

Hibernate 6 migration – error SqmQualifiedJoin predicate referred to SqmRoot other than the join’s root

I have the following @Query which is working fine ine Hibernate 5.x but which failed to be validated since I migrated to Hibernate 6. @Query(“select etab ” + “from #{#entityName} etab ” + “JOIN Mef mef ON mef.etabUajId =, ” + “TiMefAccueil nomenMef ” + “JOIN AepBanMef ban ON ” + “((mef.code = ban.code … Read more

Use RTK Query endpoints as a package in a lerna monorepo

I have Lerna Monorepo with an api folder inside of the packages folder. api folder is just RTKQuery endpoints which code split into several other folders as described in Code Splitting. I have two other React apps. one for website and the other for admin panel. currently what I do is this: import { useAdminSampleQuery … Read more