How do I bootstrap a fitting function?

I have a fitting function below which fits a lorentzian to my data and I essentially want to firstly return the amplitude of my fit (perhaps more reliably than I have) and then secondly perform a bootstrap in order to calculate the standard error on my amplitude. However I have tried some bootstrap routines but … Read more

During an interactive rebase, how do you restart the current merge conflict without aborting the entire rebase? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: git: How to redo a merge conflict resolution (before committing the merge)? (3 answers) Closed 4 hours ago. I’m working on an interactive rebase. I’ve –continued 3 times, but confused myself on this current merge conflict and want to start over. How do I restart this merge conflict without … Read more

How Simply Expanded Variable Assignment Matters?

I couldn’t understand how Simply Expanded Variable Assignment is different from Recursively Expanded Variable Assignment. And get three questions on the following code – Why make echo_RT_LIM shows RT_LIM updated value, but SUB_R doesn’t? If SUB_R uses Simply Expanded Variable Assignment – :=, is there a way to allow user reassign the value and reflect … Read more

What are the KPIs for Azure Elastic pools?

I am looking for a list of KPIs that can be use to manage Azure SQL database elastic pools; the only thing I found online was a Microsoft article but that doesn’t seem to answer my question; does anyone have any idea of what they can be? “a list of KPIs that can be use … Read more

if I am creating softlink in /usr/bin it is working , but if trying to make in /home/User directory , link is not working what can be done? [closed]

Closed. This question is not about programming or software development. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a … Read more

kafka kraft configuration + dedicated controllers machines

We are preparing Huge Kafka Kraft cluster Installation is on 35 physical Linux machines and 3 dedicated controllers on 3 VM Linux machines each broker machine include: 512G RAM memory 64 CORE’s About the brokers machines , each machine include one disk ( RAID10 ) , With 15T size , So total broker storage are … Read more

typescript automatic processing indefained to props

import { CSSProperties } from ‘react’ export interface buttonPropsInterface { text?: string styles?: CSSProperties color?: CSSProperties[‘backgroundColor’] className?: string } When you specify that an attribute is not required, you have to check undefained or not each time. Can you tell me if anyone has managed to automate this process so that you don’t have to … Read more