submit spark job to dataproc

When I submit my shaded JAR to a local standalone cluster, it works fine. However, when I submit it to a Dataproc cluster, I encounter the error “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError”, even though the class exists in the Maven dependency. Why is this happening?

Update from staging table with multiple registers repeated

There are an AR table and an AR_STAGE table (samples) like this: DECLARE @AR AS TABLE ( Patient VARCHAR(50), MRN INT, Submission DATETIME, Active VARCHAR(5), Last_update DATETIME ); INSERT INTO @AR VALUES (‘Zaczeniuk, Ann’, 1338728, null, ‘NEW’, null), (‘Zaczeniuk, Ann’, 1338728, null, ‘NEW’,null), (‘Palomino, Joseph’,717463, ’10/09/2023′, ‘NEW’, null), (‘Palomino, Joseph’,717463, ’10/09/2023′, ‘NEW’, null), (‘Linares, Irma’, … Read more

I want to switch between windows with customtkinter in Python. I want it to close a window and open a new window when the button is pressed

I researched everywhere but couldn’t find any results. Isn’t there such a feature in the library? Please help me! I tried closing the window and opening a new one at the same time, but it didn’t work. class UI(customtkinter.CTk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def exit(): UI.exit() #didn’t work 🙁 1 “didn’t work” isn’t a very useful … Read more

How to search for a special character in an array of values in elastic search?

I have the following mapping of my index { “settings”: { “analysis”: { “analyzer”: { “custom_analyzer”: { “type”: “custom”, “tokenizer”: “standard”, “filter”: [ “lowercase”, “asciifolding”, “classic” ] } } } }, “mappings”: { “properties”: { “id”: { “type”: “keyword” }, “title”: { “type”: “text”, “fields”: { “keyword”: { “type”: “keyword” } }, “analyzer”: “custom_analyzer” }, … Read more

react native package not working when installing to another project

When i install my test react native package to another project then project crashes and nothing see in console. I install using “yarn add path/to/package” react native test package package.json file { “name”: “project-react-mvc”, “version”: “0.1.0”, “description”: “REACT MVC Library”, “main”: “lib/commonjs/index”, “module”: “lib/module/index”, “react-native”: “src/index.js”, “source”: “src/index.js”, “files”: [ “src”, “lib”, “android”, “ios”, “cpp”, … Read more

Multiply value in SQL script

How can i multiply value in SQL only for in my case specific device (IP)? My table: ID DEVICE POWER ENERGY DATE_OF_READING 1 165 250241 2023-09-15 08:25:04 2 320 190322 2023-09-15 08:25:04 What i want is that sql will return value 650 = 165 x 2 + 320 Currently my script looks like … Read more

Problem with calling openai api using file ID

I am receiving an error when calling the opena ai, its not recognising ‘file’ argument which I submitted to the api. Here is my php code: <?php // Define your OpenAI API key and the endpoint $apiKey = ‘sk-TOh**********************************’; $endpoint=””; // File ID of the uploaded data $fileId = ‘file-FlW6jPfNuuq1lTak91AjMj2j’; // Product name $productName=”6 pack … Read more