How to return from a function when a timer finishes in go?

I’m new to go and working on a toy quiz cli program. I’m trying to implement a timer such that when the timer finishes, the quiz is over. This is my initial implementation. func StartTimer(quizFinished chan bool, timer *time.Timer) { // Start timer <-timer.C fmt.Println(“\nQuiz has ended”) quizFinished <- true return } func askQuestions(timer *time.Timer, … Read more

LSTM model has a concerning loss graph and returns a constant value on predictions

My dataset is 597515 rows, 31 columns measuring one variable. So input shape (31,1). import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf gpu_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices(“GPU”) for device in gpu_devices: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(device, True) raw_dataset = pd.read_csv(‘data.csv’).drop(columns=[‘Unnamed: 0’]) train_set = raw_dataset.sample(frac=0.8, random_state=42) test_set = raw_dataset.drop(train_set.index) import numpy as np train_features = train_set.copy() test_features = test_set.copy() train_labels = train_features.pop(‘T+1’) … Read more

Issue after Switching back from Java 17 to Java 8

My Current workspace was running with Java 8 with the Gradle version -“4.7”. Later I upgraded to Java 17 in the same workspace with an upgrade in gradle 7x version with other libraries. Now I am switching back to Java 8 again on the gradle version – “4.7” and hitting with below issue. I understand … Read more

Can you debug Bun tests?

I tried running bun test –inspect. It prints the Bun Inspector header: bun test v1.0.0 (822a00c4) lexer.test.ts: ——————— Bun Inspector ——————— Listening: ws://localhost:6499/2rmn49ur73 Inspect in browser: ——————— Bun Inspector ——————— Unfortunately, it runs my tests, skipping over the debugger statements. Is there a way to make it pause? Here’s the hack I came up … Read more

Can we have multiple EBS volume types (gp3, io1, io2) attached to a single EC2 instance [closed]

Closed. This question is not about programming or software development. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a … Read more

Migrate a website and keep the URL structure with WordPress

I am making a migration of a website and I need to keep the current URLs which have the following structure /florida/tampa-bay/shop /ohio/woodmere/shop I solved the first and second part with a taxonomy (state) and a custom post (retailer) associated to it but I still can’t figured out the last part which shows the store … Read more

Searching random duplicate numbers/values in Notepad++

There’s an awesome application for Football Manager that lets you run AI-generated images for computer generated players. However this program comes with a bug, and I found a nice workaround for it to generate new faces for an existing config.ini with all the text I am using this for a while. However I noticed it … Read more

How do I make a bare react native project?

I’m coding using react native and I would like to start a bare react native project that doesn’t use expo. I’m trying to use dependencies that don’t use expo like the react native inappbrowser. Can someone help me? I started a react native project but that was with expo. I tried to eject expo from … Read more