3 partition img to iso converter

I got a pfsense plus IMG installer (3 partition one) that is to be burned on usb and installed from there (they dont provide you with an iso) I tried to convert it to iso so i can mount it on a server IP KVM virtual storage and install it like that (as i cant … Read more

Matrices are not aligned while dot product with DataFrames

butter_prices Almond butter Peanut butter Cashew butter Price 10 8 12 weekly_sales Almonds butter Peanut butter Cashew butter Mon 12 15 0 Tues 3 3 7 Wed 9 19 18 Thurs 4 6 12 Fri 1 6 7 Now, while doing butter_prices.shape, weekly_sales.shape ((1, 3), (5, 3)) now the error shows while calculating butter_prices.dot(weekly_sales.T) ValueError: … Read more

Git hangs while pushing files

I’m pushing my github files to the remote repo but my files that I’m trying to push are large so I used Git lfs and I bought 1 pack by 5$ to increase the limit of the lfs storage to 50GB, and then I tried to push my files and I faced a couples of … Read more

Toaster causing errors in React when spying on ‘useState’

I have a notifications component that has some defaults for a toaster. When running tests against it using a jest mock implementation on useState, I’m receiving some strange errors. Notifications.tsx import { Toaster } from “react-hot-toast”; export const Notifications = () => { return ( <Toaster position=”top-center” containerStyle={{ top: 30 }} gutter={10} toastOptions={{ style: { … Read more

When is a vulnerability in a React/Angular library dangerous? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 16 hours ago. Improve this question I’m currently studying cybersecurity and I see that there are several CVE related to libraries used … Read more

I was trying to use a string inside the Network Image, even though the String has value it does shows me error

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget { HomePage( {super.key, required this.mailId, required this.name, required this.pic}); String mailId; String name; String pic = “”; @override Widget build(context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text(“Home page”), backgroundColor: Colors.amber, actions: [ GestureDetector( onTap: () { Navigator.of(context).pop( MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => ProfilePage(pic,mailID: mailId, name: name, img: pic)), ); //ProfilePage(mailID: mailId, … Read more

How to add hint to bound a value in quantifiers?

predicate test(x: int) { exists y :: x % y == 0 } When I code quantifiers in a format similar to the above function, Dafny says: Quantifiers in non-ghost contexts must be compilable, but Dafny’s heuristics can’t figure out how to produce or compile a bounded set of values for ‘y’. How to fix … Read more