Strange behavior for an angular 16 component?

I have this component made in angular 16. It is supposed to display a red div with a message in it. import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, Input, OnInit, } from “@angular/core”; import { MaintenanceMessage } from “@shared/models/maintenance”; @Component({ selector: “app-maintenance-footer”, template: ` <div class=”bg-red-600 p-3 text-4xl text-white text-center”> {{ maintenanceMessage.Message ?? “No message” | translate }} … Read more

Solve every possible combination of #s in a list that add up to a predetermined # w/out repeating # in list more than how many times they appear?

I’m trying to figure out how to loop through a list and solve every possible combination of numbers that add up to a predetermined value without repeating any numbers in the combination more than how ever many times they appear on the list. Here’s the code I tried: import itertools magicnumber = float(input(“Enter desired quantity … Read more

Getting DNS error when executing js script with Node

const { Client, EmbedBuilder, GatewayIntentBits, Collection, Events, Partials } = require(“discord.js”); require(“dotenv”).config(); const { Guilds, GuildMembers, GuildMessages } = GatewayIntentBits; const { User, Message, GuildMember, ThreadMember } = Partials; const client = new Client({ intents: [Guilds, GuildMembers, GuildMessages], Partials: [User, Message, GuildMember, ThreadMember] }); client.login(process.env.DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN); This is my index.js When I execute node index.js, it … Read more

pusher-websocket-react-native Freezes UI During Message Regeneration

When regenerating messages using pusher-websocket-react-native, I am unable to interact with anything and stop the message regeneration. When I manage to stop it, the next message regenerates as two messages in one. Is there any equivalent solution considering that a similar library is used on the backend (Python) while the frontend is developed in React … Read more

Am I doing this Preg_Replace correct? [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 14 … Read more

‘process.argv’/’process.argv.slice(1)’ is not working in cypress

I am using cypress with js for the automation testing. My current requirement is to store the command which user pass to run a script. Let me explain it in detail: Here is my package.json file: “scripts”: { “e2e-headless”: “cypress run –spec cypress/integration/examples/allSpec.js –browser chrome”, “e2e”: “cypress run –spec cypress/integration/examples/allSpec.js –browser chrome –headed”, “suite”: “cypress … Read more

Google Aerial View API, Video not found: No 3d imagery

According to the Google Aerial View API, If the video doesn’t yet exist, then the API returns a 404 status code. The instruction is to generate a new video by calling renderVideo. The video hasn’t been previously rendered, and therefore is not yet in Google’s database. { “error”: { “code”: 404, “message”: “Video not found.”, … Read more

Using an enum on one side of a many to many relationship?

If I have an enum for role and I have a table of suppliers, how can I allow a supplier to have multiple roles? I have considered a hasMany relationship from supplier to a supplier_role table, but the supplier_role table is then just full of repeated enums in each row: id | role | supplier_id … Read more