How to address performance issues when using Entity Framework Core and Include() for large amounts of data?

I’m developing an application using Entity Framework Core (.NET 6) and I’m encountering performance issues when retrieving data using the GetQuestionByTest() method. I want to load data from TblMultipleChoices related to the TblQuestionTest entity, but the data is quite large, and this is slowing down the application’s response time. Here is a portion of the … Read more

Traceback Error with Python3 and Beautiful Soup (Chapter 12 PY4E)

guys. I’m on chapter 12 of my PY4E studies, and I’m a bit stumped. I’ve downloaded Beautiful Soup, and I can’t get my computer to recognize it. I’m being hit with a traceback error and and attribute error. traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/Users/name/Desktop/py4e/”, line 12, in soup = BeautifulSoup(html, “html.parser”) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ attribute: … Read more

How to merge dataframe from 1D to 2D conditionally

I have a source dataframe included below (df) that I would like to reshape into a 2 dimensional dataframe (outputdf) with the first column as all unique values that exist in the df and a column for a select set of unique values in column B which I have loaded into a list (list). I … Read more

Export table to Excel using Laravel queue gives empty file

I have configured Laravel queue with horizon and everything is working perfectly, but when I start exporting the file, the horizon shows completed job while it gives me empty Excel file with 6kb in cache folder. Here’s my code: app/exports/FullReportExport.php <?php namespace App\Exports; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromQuery; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Exportable; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithChunkReading; use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue; use App\Models\Admin\FullReport; … Read more

How to check if only specified column was updated?

I try to check in a trigger, if only specific column was updated. When only this column, I want to exit the trigger immediataly. Here is my Code: DECLARE @colId int; SET @colId = COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(‘dbo.COMMON_T230’), ‘F230_100’, ‘ColumnID’); DECLARE @powerResult bigint; SET @powerResult = POWER(CAST(2 AS BIGINT), CAST(@colId – 1 as BIGINT)); print @colId; print COLUMNS_UPDATED(); … Read more

Facing intermittent timeout issues with GKE

So there are two VMs in different network , One on Private VPC of Gcloud lets call it GCVM , and another being on-premise OPVM , both VMs have appropirate permissions to access Kubernetes Cluster , When i run kubectl commands on OPVM all commands work fine always , But GCVM is showing abnormal behaviour … Read more

Jinja2 shorthand conditional

Say I have this: {% if files %} Update {% else %} Continue {% endif %} In PHP, say, I can write a shorthand conditional, like: <?php echo $foo ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’; ?> Is there then a way I can translate this to work in a jinja2 template: ‘yes’ if foo else ‘no’ 4 … Read more

Is there a way in SystemVerilog to directly cast the output of a module to the desired type without an intermediate variable?

Essentially I was trying to figure out a way that I don’t have to use this clumsy workaround in my RTL to get it to compile cleanly. After trying several fruitless ways of searching for the answer, I decided to try leaving the question here for the experts. Consider the following simplified example of what … Read more