AspectMock not working in Codeception framework

I want to mock the static methods, so I am using the AspectMock library I tried to mock one static method but it doesnt return the expected mocked result. Configuration: tests/_bootstrap.php <?php define(‘YII_ENV’, ‘test’); defined(‘YII_DEBUG’) or define(‘YII_DEBUG’, true); require_once __DIR__ . ‘/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php’; require __DIR__ . ‘/../vendor/autoload.php’; $kernel = \AspectMock\Kernel::getInstance(); $kernel->init([ ‘debug’ => true, ‘includePaths’ … Read more

B2C Custom Policy Claims Transformation: Set outputclaim to stringCollection?

Looking for a way to set outputclaim as a stringCollection based on a inputclaim which is either a stringCollection (group claims) or a boolean. I am unable to find a TransformationMethod that fullfils my requirement. Checked the following TransformationMethod and none has a outputclaim that supports stringCollection: SetClaimIfBooleansMatch SetClaimsIfRegexMatch SetClaimsIfStringsMatch Am I missing something or … Read more

Unable to capture bluetooth using tcpdump

I’m trying to capture bluetooth paquets using tcpdump on Ubuntu 20.04. I have two computers that are exactly the same model (some same bluetooth chipset) with Ubuntu 20.04; The difference is that one computer (OLD) has been installed a while ago with a lot of things and the other (NEW) is a new computer with … Read more

Vitest loads cjs export of dependency instead of esm

I have a node_modules package that exports “main”: “dist/cjs/index.js”, “module”: “dist/esm/index.js”, “types”: “dist/types/index.d.ts” Where the cjs export had been built with tsc –module commonjs and the esm export has been built with tsc –module esnext The consumer app is set as “type”: “module” Now, vite correctly loads the dist/esm/ export of the package, but vitest … Read more

v-if condition does not trigger a value in my form event

I am using a select structure with Vue. There is a v-if condition in this structure. A form opens depending on the condition. The opened forms should have “novaildate=”true””, but this does not happen with “novaildate=”novalidate””, but in the select structure When I remove the v-if condition, it becomes “novaildate=”true”” and this is what it … Read more

Record to update not found | NextJs + Prisma

I use the following URL to verify a record: but sometimes Prisma don’t find the record to update. My getServerSidePropscode looks like this: export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => { console.log(“ctx: “, ctx); const { verifyId } = ctx.params; try { const letter = await prisma.letter.update({ where: { verifyId: verifyId, }, data: { … Read more

Assigned value is garbage or undefined [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 14 hours ago. Improve this question I’m working on a Matrix class, I don’t … Read more

Adding an error message when a user inputs a decimal number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Error handling with int32.TryParse (2 answers) Closed 13 hours ago. I’m trying to create a simple calculator using c# that, when I input decimal numbers, will prompt an error message instead of just directly going into unhandled exception. do{ Console.Write(“X = “); string str = Console.ReadLine(); if(str == “exit”){ … Read more

Remote Desktop Services User Profile

I have the problem, that when I give a User in AD a Remote Desktop Services Profile Path (\Server01\RDP-Profile%username%) no folder will be createt for that user. When I check the server, to where the connection from the client goes, theres always just a local folder. Now I’m not sure if I don’t understand the … Read more