SSH not working [ /bin/sh: Permission denied ]

test@2023:~$ ssh [email protected] The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:0TSeay4Ywqc69Inkfk0i/t5lJ8sXKSD/lLM2PuN5/d4. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts (/home/test/.ssh/known_hosts). [email protected]’s password: /bin/sh: Permission denied Connection to closed. Why is getting permission denied error even … Read more

Order by slowly when use index hints

SELECT TOP (@TotalRecord) CASE WHEN @IsGrouping = 1 THEN OrderMain.OrderID ELSE 0 END OrderID, CASE WHEN @IsGrouping = 1 THEN OrderMain.InvoiceReference ELSE ” END InvoiceReference, CASE WHEN @IsGrouping = 1 THEN OrderMain.OrderAlias ELSE ” END OrderAlias, –sOrderAlias CASE WHEN @IsGrouping = 1 THEN OrderMain.Service ELSE ” END Service, CASE WHEN @IsGrouping = 1 THEN Site.SiteCode … Read more

A failure occcured while executing$ActionFacade unity editor 2020.3.38f1

enter image description here CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed. FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:launcher:processReleaseResources’. A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade Android resource linking failed C:\Users\awais.gradle\caches\transforms-2\files-2.1\0527884509a09bd760ee06b64007b7ea\\AndroidManifest.xml:48:5-117: AAPT: error: unexpected element found in . Issue occurs when I import any version of Facebook mediation adopter with admob . I … Read more

Terraform Plan error: Probable TLS problem

I am using a workstation to connect to a VMware server that runs a VSphere CLient. The IP of the Vsphere (where i can access it through a browser with login) is I manually installed the plugin VSphere and when hitting the terraform init It works. When Instead in the next step i use … Read more

Window_all throwing an error with Pyflink Kafka Connector

I am trying to print the datastream by applying the tumbling process window for every 5 seconds. Since I couldn’t implement the custom deserializer for now, I created the process function which returns the result as tuple, and as per this documentation link I could link the process function with the windowing operation so I … Read more

Running two codes at the same time

I want to read the password(Text) input while keeping the “CapsLock = true/false” readout up to date while the user is typing in Console application C# User is Typing Show Capslock is on/off is it need using threading or not?? Thank for watching thank for answer and thank for help me guys.. ty “User is … Read more

iOS 17 – URL encoding and not working with server API

I’ve an app that should call this API:[0]=V10&qtaadd[0]=1&impadd[0]=7,80&desadd[0]=Cappuccinos In my app I’ve developed a class who can call this API, but from iOS 17 I’ve several problem because Apple has updated to RFC 3986 the url encoding. Here’s my code: let urlString = “[0]=V10&qtaadd[0]=1&impadd[0]=7,80&desadd[0]=Cappuccinos” guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else { print(“!! url … Read more

Embedded external window in QT does not refresh properly

I am developing a c++ application with QT (version 6.5.2) and I am using Open3D for some point cloud algorithms I’m working on. As such, I would like to visualize the pointcloud inside my application but, apparently (, Open3D cannot be used as a widget. A workaround i’ve tried is to generate a window displaying … Read more