CliFx with a list of objects command

I have an console application in c# that uses CliFx nuget package. This is an example of what I actually have: [Command] public class CommonXCommand : ICommand { [CommandOption(“property1”)] public required string Property1 { get; init; } [CommandOption(“list_obj”)] public required IReadOnlyList<ObjCommand> ListObj { get; init; } [CommandOption(“property2”)] public required string Property2 { get; init; } … Read more

Next.js: Can I use generateStaticParams for a page with a dynamic component inside? i.e have a specific component fetch data & render everytime

I am currently using NextJS 13.5 to build an ecommerce. In the app/products/[slug]/page.jsx I have product name, description, price and other product related information. I use the generateStaticParams() function in order to statically build each product page with next build. Having said all that, the problem I am facing is that a product’s price cannot … Read more

Why am I getting int as a return value from

I am using the json module for something but whenever I used the json.dump or json.load functions I get an error saying int doesn’t have a .write() or .read() function. This implies that using“somefile.txt”) is giving me an int instead of the normal file obj. If I try something like this: import os import … Read more

How can I use yolov5 or yolov7 without PyTorch?

I got Raspberry Pi 3B+ 32 bit. I can’t install PyTorch since it asks for 64 bit. Is there a way to use yolov5 or yolov7 without PyTorch or just install PyTorch somehow? I tried to pip install requirements but got an error followed by “Couldn’t find a version that satisfies the requirement torch.” using … Read more

Deterministic sorting on a non-unique column

I’m using SQL Server to pull data from a database – I am sorting on my date column but this column is not unique as a date can appear multiple times in the column. I need the data to remain in the same order every time I run the query and I notice that if … Read more