How do I stop my script from being blocked by Facebook?

I tried making an userscript that removes every presence of the word “elodie” from the feed. Sadly, Faceboom seems to block it, with the following code, and the path leads to the Violentmonkey plugin. Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). injected.js:1:8983 Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings observed the loading … Read more

teams bot send procative message

I’m trying to send teams message by using teams bot. I use this endpoint in postman{USER-ID}/activities ( with the bearer token ) { “type”: “message”, “from”: “APP-ID”, “recipient”: “USER-ID”, “text”: “elho” } end get this response { “message”: “Authorization has been denied for this request.” } Need some help please.

Kstream-Ktable join with CloudEvent value not working

I want to take join between a kafka stream and a ktable. The poc works fine with stream data. However, when I use CloudEvent, I keep running into some or other issue related to serialization. Here is my code sample – Map<String, Object> ceSerializerConfigs = new HashMap<>(); ceSerializerConfigs.put(ENCODING_CONFIG, Encoding.STRUCTURED); ceSerializerConfigs.put(EVENT_FORMAT_CONFIG, JsonFormat.CONTENT_TYPE); CloudEventSerializer serializer = new … Read more

How to count repetition for each value individually in Python

This is my first post, and I want to say hello to you all. I need help counting the codes of certain items that have the same value. For example, if I have the following article codes: Article01, Article01, Article01, Article02, Article03, Article03. It should look like this: Article01_1, Article01_2, Article01_3, Article02_1, Article03_1, Article03_2. The … Read more

How can I configure two different sets of headers, each tailored to a distinct source API, while ensuring proper authentication for both?

I have an existing API that uses bearer token authorization, and I’ve recently integrated a third-party application API that also requires authorization. In my code, I’m using a single component called ‘axios config’ to set up the bearer token for my API every time a page is loaded. However, when attempting to upload a video … Read more