Entity Framework Core how to instantiate DBContext using reflection?

I have a NET 7 console app using EF core, I have a situation where I need to instantiate my custom DB Context classes using reflection passing in a DBContextOptions parameter. I am getting the following error when calling Invoke(). Cannot convert DbContextOptions`1 to DbContextOptions`1 Sample code is as follows: public T CreateDBContext<T>(DbContextOptions dbOpts) { … Read more

Koha (Library system) User Paid Fine Report

currently I’m using KOHA v23.05, in the Report module, I want to create a report which will appear the users/borrowers who paid fine (daily/monthly). Eventually I managed to pull the data of borrower number, but not their name. As per below image. The manager id and manager surname is needed to acknowledge which staff that … Read more

FileSystemWatcher does not fire after sometime

I have the following code that i use to monitor a directory for text files, the directory gets new files twice a day, the code works fine for sometime but after that it stops firing OnCreated event… [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name=”FullTrust”)] public static void Run() { FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = @”c:\users\documents\”; watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess … Read more

React: onSubmit for embedded form

I have a react application with an embedded form from cognito forms. The script I have below embeds the form in my component. However, I want to add an onSubmit function within the component for that form. I tried to simply add onSubmit to the iframe but that does not do anything. According to their … Read more

Huge performance boost with minimal changes

I recently started testing some methods of sorting the pixels of an image. Specifically, I am using the System.Drawing.Common.Bitmap. I have two methods: [Benchmark] public unsafe void HorizontalOuter() { for (int row = 0; row < _bmpData.Height – 1; row++) { int bytes = _bmpData.Stride; void* ptr = (void*)(_bmpData.Scan0 + _bmpData.Stride * row); var span … Read more

Java, How to add library files in netbeans?

I am new to the Netbeans IDE and Java. I have a java project that shows lot of compilation errors: can not import “org.apache.commons.logging.Log” Can somebody please help me with these errors, How do I add library files in Netbeans IDE? Quick solution in NetBeans 6.8. In the Projects window right-click on the name of … Read more

PDF generate with vfs_fonts [vuejs 3]

I’m studying vuejs 3 with PDF generate. I could generate PDF file. But when I trying to add Japanese font function doesn’t work. I generate ‘vfs_fonts’ successfully using below step. https://pdfmake.github.io/docs/0.1/fonts/custom-fonts-client-side/vfs/ I tried this two package ‘pdfmake’ and ‘vue3-pdfmake’ because once I add ‘vfs_fonts’ PDF function stops. I use vuejs 3 and composition API. Could … Read more

What is a more optimal algorithm for this problem?

Suppose you have an array A of N integers. In one round, you make changes as follows (based on the array snapshot at the beginning of the round): -= 1 if greater than both adjacent (on both sides) += 1 if less than both adjacent (on both sides) The one on the edges/ends never change, … Read more