In DITA `map`, link to child map without embedding it

I have a DITA map. It links to a number of child topics. I also wish to link to another map. But, the DITA-OT publishing engine embeds the children of that map instead. Can anyone point me to the DITA construct to just include a link to the child map? <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <!DOCTYPE map … Read more

Helm iterate over complex values

Im trying to iterate over the following values in my helm values.yaml using a helm helper .tpl Values: pubSub: – topicName: topic-1 topicEnvVar: TOPIC_1 subscriptions: – subscriptionName: subscription-1 subscriptionEnvVar: SUBSCRIPTION_1 – subscriptionName: subscription-2 subscriptionEnvVar: SUBSCRIPTION_2 – topicName: topic-2 topicEnvVar: TOPIC_2 subscriptions: {} – topicName: topic-3 topicEnvVar: TOPIC_3 subscriptions: {} and the helper I’m trying to … Read more

NixOS newer GLIBC version forced by environment outside nix-shell

My NixOS system is running on the current nixos-23.05 channel. But I’m using vscode from the current nixos-unstable channel in my configuration.nix like this: { config, pkgs, … }: let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; in { # … users.users.musteresel = { isNormalUser = true; description = … Read more

How to re establish db connections when using crac run-time hooks in AWS lambda with snapstart enabled

I’ve added run-time hooks to provide snapstart functionality in my AWS lambda, I’ve a db connection variable which I’ve added to get initialised before the handler method, Since I’ve added crac run-time hooks, beforeCheckpoint and afterRestore, my connection variable is intialised before the snapshot and resumed for every invocation, how do I make use of … Read more

Gmail delete messages straight from inbox

Aware that there’s been a few questions about this over the years, but Google’s documentation has changed, and methods etc. have changed. The doc page appears to reference both Gmail.users.messages.delete and Gmail.users.Threads.delete, and I’m not sure how to tell which is the current one, beyond neither of them working when I change the script. … Read more

Looker Studio – Blended event metric

I need to blend the following events from Ga4 into one scorecard in a lookerstudio dashboard: book_consultation get_in_touch request_information click_to_call egg_donation sperm_donation I have attemped creating the following Case as a custom Metric. It is returning the following error: “CASE WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Event name, “”(book_consultation|get_in_touch|request_information|click_to_call|egg_donation|sperm_donation)””) THEN “”Event Count”” ELSE “”Event Name”” END” I have attached screenshots … Read more

Cross-compiling OpenCV for Raspberry Pi (aarch64) on x86_64 with Docker

Description: I am trying to cross-compile OpenCV for my Raspberry Pi, which is running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with aarch64 architecture. My development machine is x86_64 running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and I am using Docker to manage the build environment. Several dependencies have been built from source. Version Info: OpenCV Version: 4.5.1 Dependencies built from … Read more

Implementing LightFM model on PyTorch

I’m trying to implement the LightFM model ( on PyTorch, and I’m starting with a case where I have users, items and item features. The item embedding is a sum of embeddings of its features. However, I’m facing a computational time problem because each item has a different number of features, and I can’t store … Read more