VB.net Find and read range of excel data to a list

I’m looking to read a range of data from an Excel file into a list so I can process it further. The Excel file will be a standard template, but I want to accommodate more or less rows/columns and not hard code the range to be read. From the picture below I would want A4 … Read more

Scrollable wrapper cuts out absolute elements

I came across a problem of cutting off absolute child of relative child of a scrollable list. My problem: https://youtu.be/uz5wmLEM04A Live prototype: https://jsfiddle.net/n0dowLhz/ My code (REACT): https://github.com/MoDrazzz/teamguru/blob/team-page/src/components/Teams/TeamMembers.tsx#L30-L34 The problem was also described here. With walkaround they have implemented, when menu is active, after scroll it stays in the same position. The solution would be to … Read more

speed up parse function dateutil

Using dateutil I created function which check if data from csv is date and if not remove it from dataframe, but I have problem with speed, similar checking for string or int takes 1-2 seconds for hundreds of thousands rows, but this takes more than 1 minute for date checking. I need some tips, how … Read more

Variable with regex not matching with a space in user input

I’m currently trying to create a conversion tool to let people convert recipes based on the serving size they would like. That said, I’m coming across an issue with trying to match the letters entered. Basically, if the user inputs some letters in the input, I want to return those in the result. For example, … Read more

AttributeError : ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’

I installed django-comments-dab package and i have done steps like documents but recived this error: AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘lower’ how can i fix it? def get_model_obj(app_name, model_name, model_id): content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app_name, model=model_name.lower(”)) model_object = content_type.get_object_for_this_type(id=model_id) return model_object 1 Please include the Traceback error, as well as how you’re calling get_model_obj(). I suspect … Read more

Is there a more elegant way to wait for !=null in Dart in async methods?

Currently I´m using this one in Dart as proposed by chatgpt 😉 but is there a better way to wait for not null? (PS: this is pure dart backend code, so Flutter Futurebuilder is not possible) String? command; Stream<({Message message})> detect(List<Message> messages) async* { while (command == null) { await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100)); } … … Read more

loop through terraform provider block for multiple subscription

I want to deploy 20 azure resource group in 20 different subscriptions. is there any way i can achieve this with minimum code. i am using below code. provider “azurerm” { alias = “dev” subscription_id = var.network_services_rgs.value.subs } resource “azurerm_resource_group” “rg” { for_each = var.network_services_rgs provider = azurerm.dev name = each.key location = each.value.location tags … Read more