Metrics for Provisioning Transactions in IIQ

For metrics on provisioning transactions in IIQ, we are currently reading from the table to a file which is then getting ingested to an elastic search index through a filebeat agent. Is there any other way to do it say can I instrument IIQs code with a metrics library like Micrometer if I only wanted … Read more

How to create a button that generates a pdf file of everything in the page in React.js [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed yesterday. Improve this question import React, { useState, useRef } from ‘react’; import Modal from ‘react-modal’; import ‘./App.css’; function App() { const [scenarios, setScenarios] = useState([]); … Read more

Dictionary lookup bad request 400

I’m using dictionary lookup for finding alternative translations. dictionaryLookupMS = async (data) => { const key = “myKey”; const endpoint = `${data.originLanguageCode}&to=${data.translationLanguageCode}`; const location = “westeurope”; const text = data.text; try { const response = await axios({ baseURL: endpoint, method: “post”, headers: { “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key”: key, “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region”: location, “Content-type”: “application/json”, “X-ClientTraceId”: uuidv4().toString(), }, , data: [{ … Read more

Cannot achieve max shared memory bandwith

I am working with an RTX 2080 max-q mobile, compute capability 7.5. I am trying to understand why I cannot achieve 32bit/cycle shared memory bandwidth: From Shared memory has 32 banks that are organized such that successive 32-bit words map to successive banks. Each bank has a bandwidth of 32 bits per clock cycle. … Read more

Python forward a gmail message using Google API

I’m trying to forward a message using Google’s API client. In order to do that, I am reading the message, modifying it and would then like to send it, but I run into a problem where the message that I download has the wrong type and I don’t know how to encode it. Here is … Read more

NavigationSplitView with TabView: top bar doesn’t always shrink

Given the following SwiftUI view, I get inconsistent behaviour in the topbar. After switching tabs, it will sometimes get stuck in ‘big title’ mode instead of shrinking to the compact mode with a gray background. According to the documentation this matter of nesting is allowed and should work, but I’m having trouble. NavigationSplitView { TabView … Read more

Deploying .NET 6 Web API with GitHub Action: appsettings.json Not Updating with Environment Settings

I am facing an issue with my GitHub Actions workflow where the appsettings.json file is not updating correctly on an Azure Web App. Despite a successful deployment, the appsettings.json file doesn’t reflect the expected values from the corresponding environment settings. I have verified that the source appsettings.json file in the repository is correct. However, the … Read more

How to customize date format for multiple date attributes in Laravel Model? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How to parse datetime using Laravel on date and time? (5 answers) Closed 20 hours ago. This post was edited and submitted for review 20 hours ago. I have a Laravel Model named CostingSheetFabric with several date attributes defined in the $dates property, such as customer_start_date, customer_cancel_date, earliest_start_date, and … Read more

Jupyter Notebook Search while using Collapsible Headings

I’m working on some pretty long Jupyter Notebook files. I’m keeping them organised with markdown headings and I’m using the NBextension ‘Collapsible Headings’ to only open the code I want to see in a given moment. The one issue I’ve had with this so far is that when I want to do a cntrl-F search, … Read more

python turtle : how to make a turtle object that can shoot bullets automatically?

how to make a turtle object that can shoot bullets automatically and under control? please help me. i have tried this code and the game is crashing(Enemy aircraft fired bullets continuously without pause since they first appeared) This is my code : bg.addshape(“F 22 Raptor.gif”) enemy2 = turtle.Turtle() enemy2.shape(“F 22 Raptor.gif”) enemy2.setheading(-90) enemy2.turtlesize(3) enemy2.penup() enemy2.goto(0,360) … Read more