couldn’t find dso to load caused by : dlopen failed: can’t locate symbol “–emutls_get_address

couldn’t find dso to load caused by : dlopen failed: can’t locate symbol “–emutls_get_addressassist in diagnosing and resolving the issue. enter image description here Dear Team, I have been encountering the same issue over the past few days. Despite my efforts to implement various solutions, I have been unsuccessful in replicating the problem. I … Read more

Get timestamps between two timestamp type columns , explode and plot as a shaded area between the given timestamps [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Select DataFrame rows between two dates (13 answers) How to plot shaded area with datetime (1 answer) Using axvspan for date ranges (2 answers) Highlighting Date Range (1 answer) Closed 21 hours ago. Here is what my dataframe looks like: Switch| start| end | OFF |2021-11-14 16:00:22 |2021-11-14 16:00:46 … Read more

Flutter app with a button for taking a screenshot in flutter displayed only on web platform

I’ve a flutter 3.0 widget with a button taking a screenshot that is displayed only on web platform. Here is my code import ‘dart:convert’; import ‘dart:html’ as html; import ‘package:flutter/foundation.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:screenshot/screenshot.dart’; … @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { … if (kIsWeb) SizedBox( width: 200, height: 55.0, child: ElevatedButton( child: const Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0), … Read more

Glade is extremely slow with large GtkGrid

I am working on a user interface for a project using Glade in which I create a GtkGrid with dimension 22 rows by 36 columns. While no children widgets are added to the grid, Glade behaves normally in the sense that it closes quickly when I exit Glade. But as I add labels and/or buttons, … Read more

Query Fails in Azure

I want to generate a report on how Sensitivity Labels are being applied on my tenant. I want the report to be by the Department, but for that I need to join 2 tables. Because, IdentityInfo, the table that stores info about the Users, is not static, and can have multiple duplicate entries. And the … Read more

Dynamic PDF Generation Angular , NodeJS

Trying to generate a pdf something like this. Although this is not ideal. for more than a week has gone, not able figure which approach should i go for. Client Side : html to pdf generation didn’t go well with jspdf ,html2pdf ,pdfMake. No matter ,if it’s achived on either client side or server side. … Read more

My location is null with the service turned off

/** @file @brief Este archivo contiene la implementación del servicio para escuchar beacons. */ /** @brief Servicio para escuchar beacons BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). */ public class ServicioEscuharBeacons extends Service { private double distanciaPromedio = -1.0; private int muestras = 0; private final int NUM_MUESTRAS_PROMEDIO = 10; public static final String ACTION_SOLICITAR_PERMISOS_BLUETOOTH = “SOLICITAR_PERMISOS_BLUETOOTH”; … Read more

Spring security: Allow .well-known/openid-configuration

Here my security configuration into my spring-boot-starter-oauth2-authorization-server service: @EnableWebSecurity @Configuration public class SecurityConfiguration { @Bean SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { return http .csrf(csrfCustomizer -> csrfCustomizer.disable()) .authorizeHttpRequests( authorize -> authorize .requestMatchers(, HealthEndpoint.class, EnvironmentEndpoint.class, ConfigurationPropertiesReportEndpoint.class)) .permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated()) .formLogin(cr -> cr.disable()) .build(); } } When I’m trying to GET _/.well-known/openid-configuration, I’m getting: ❯ http HTTP/1.1 403 … Read more