How to cycle through JSON with multiple records in Delphi

When receiving JSON such as the example below, how do I cycle through to extract each field value of each “record”, so I can insert them into a database? { “Accounts”: [{ “AccountID”: “ebd06280-af70-4bed-97c6-7451a454ad85”, “Code”: “091”, “Name”: “Business Savings Account”, “Type”: “BANK”, “TaxType”: “NONE”, “EnablePaymentsToAccount”: false, “BankAccountNumber”: “0209087654321050”, “BankAccountType”: “BANK”, “CurrencyCode”: “NZD” },{ “AccountID”: “7d05a53d-613d-4eb2-a2fc-dcb6adb80b80”, … Read more

Inverisfy express util is not connecting to web socket server

import ‘module-alias/register’; import ‘reflect-metadata’; import sourceMapSupport from ‘source-map-support’; import { LIB_ENV_CONFIG, logger } from ‘@sn/shared’; import { AppServer, IExpressMiddleware, InversifyFactory } from ‘@sn/server’; import { AsyncContainerModule } from ‘inversify’; import { customMiddleware } from ‘./shared/middleware/AppMiddleware’; import swaggerMiddleware from ‘./shared/middleware/Swagger’; import { AppModule } from ‘@ioc/IocConfig’; import { Server, Socket } from ‘’; import * as … Read more

Android studio BLUETOOTH BLE Read characteristic

Voici ma class BluetoothGattReadHelper pour lire ce que envoie mon esp32 mais je ne reçois rien alors que ESP32 envoie des données pour appeler cette classe j’utilise Dans le logcat il est afficher (Lecture de la caractéristique en cours rien d’autre). Je veux pouvoir lire la donnée envoie par esp32 lorsque j’appuye sur le bouton … Read more

Create list of Callables of Monos of different types [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Is List<Dog> a subclass of List<Animal>? Why are Java generics not implicitly polymorphic? (19 answers) Closed yesterday. I have a method, which works with a list of Callable of Mono of different types. How do I call it with Callable<Mono<Integer>> and Callable<Mono<String>> ? I tried void mymethod(List<Callable<Mono<?>>> monoList){ } … Read more

JSX files not loading into browser in production ENV

I’m using without webpack and chakra core Linux and windows. When in a development env all JSX scripts load into the browser under JS folder. When I switch to production ENV the JSX scripts are not loading only the JS scripts are loading. Currently I’m using a Linux VM and Nginx reverse proxy. The … Read more

how to use Optional isPresent() properly

I have this method: public String updateShift(ShiftsDTO shiftsDTO){ Optional<Shifts> optionalPreUpdateShift = shiftsRepository.findById(shiftsDTO.getId()); if (optionalPreUpdateShift.isPresent()) { if (!shiftsRepository.existsByShiftStartAndShiftEnd(shiftsDTO.getShiftStart(), shiftsDTO.getShiftEnd())) { Shifts preUpdateShift = optionalPreUpdateShift.get(); shiftsMapper.mapShiftFromDto(shiftsDTO,preUpdateShift);; return ” Shift updated successfully”; } else { throw new ShiftAlreadyExistsException(“An existing shift already covers this period”); } } else { throw new ShiftNotFoundException(“This shift doesn’t exist”); } } This … Read more

how to detect a small qr in an image which is blurry

i tried all the methods including pyzbar and cv2.Qrdetection but none of them worked please help i just want to locate the qr in the provided image and read it. best logic that have is given below import cv2 import numpy as np def locate_small_blur_qr_code(image_path): image = cv2.imread(r”C:\Users\siddh\OneDrive\Desktop\1Image.png”) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, … Read more