Leaflet proxy in r only shows latest added Layer

I want to visualise the development of fatal traffic accidents and accidents with severe injuries on state and community level in a leaflet map. As a solution i use a shiny app with a radio button for switching between state and community level and leaflet base Layer Groups to switch between visualisation of fatalities or … Read more

Why can’t a stateful but `constexpr` lambda not be used as a non-type template parameter? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: How do I parameterize a consteval lambda? (1 answer) Closed yesterday. Somehow I still think of lambdas as “syntactic sugar” for regular function objects, so it surprises me that under C++-20 a stateful but otherwise constexpr lambda instance cannot be used as a non-type template parameter, unlike an … Read more

Alfred Workflow does not show my chrome profile

I am using Alfred 4.8 [1312] with powerpack. In my Preferences -> Web Bookmarks -> Google Chrome Bookmarks -> I get a dropdown with two profiles but recently I renamed my chrome profile and it does not appear to be picking this up. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Barcode reader converts numeric english text to arabic

I have a barcode reader that reads a barcode from a student card into unbound access form field. The barcode is a text of english numbers. The problem is sometimes the barcode reader reads just OK with no problems, but, the othertimes it reads the text in arabic numbers as in the example below: 5874859 … Read more

Change percentage legend colour of lightweight-charts-python

I was implementing lightweight-charts-python library that is python equivalent for tradingview’s lightweight-charts library. In that I wanted to have a label showing open, high, low, close and percentage move of the candle that the crosshair was pointing to. I found the way to add these labels from here but there was no way to change … Read more

how to check if a tab opened using window.open() is still running or shut or refreshed?

const newWindow = window.open( “”, “_blank”, “width=800,height=600,left=2000,top=0” ); if (newWindow) { const specificDivContent = document.getElementById( `slide-${slideIndex}` ).innerHTML; above is the code i am using to create a new tab and write an existing div onto that tab. i would like to call an api when the new window that is opened is refreshed or closed. … Read more

How to use Puppeteer in a JHipster Monolithic application?

I have created new simple project using jhipster 7.9.4 with the below jdl configs. I need to have the Puppeteer (or any similar automation API) to open certain links. The links are provided in the entity let’s call it ‘nodes’. The same entity will provide the credentials (username/password) to be automatically filled and click the … Read more

Netcdf outputs the wrong values in the data given [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 19 hours ago. Improve this question I am working on a task which includes … Read more