Weird behavior of android app bundle in play console

In one of my app I developed for TV, I have declared in Manifest to not use the unnecessary features for android TV as per the TV guide document after uploading to play console, appbundle explorer it shows all the features as required, it is ignoring the android:required =”false” I contacted the google play … Read more

how to create decoration like comment reply section of facebook android app in android native

that picture of decoration i try to custom that using Recyclerview ItemDecoration but doesn’t look like the result I wanted in the photo, so how to custom ItemDecoration of Recyclerview make the same result of facebook comment reply section in this picture Please provide enough code so others can better understand or reproduce the problem. … Read more

AT command for sms through smartphone

I am connecting my iPhone to windows laptop through 32feet blue tooth connection in hands free profile. I am able to initiate call in the iphone using AT commands through the blue tooth connection. But I am not able to send sms from the beginning. I am sending the following AT commands “ATE\r”, “AT\r”, “AT+CMGF=1\r”, … Read more

problem with getting a user in google oauth2

I’m developing authorization using google oAuth2 in node.js and react. The plan was as follows: receive a link to select a google account, receive data from the account (directly the user), generate a token and put it in cookies, redirect back to the application to the home page on the first render of the home … Read more

NextJS client component inside page

I am using NextJS 14. I am building a landing page and for one of the sections I need to use useState. I marked my component as “use-client” but it still bringing an error that “You’re importing a component that needs useState. It only works in a Client Component but none of its parents are … Read more

Julia – ARM Remez code eval() world age mismatch

I’m still trying to compile the original ARM Remez code Julia 0.4 under modern dialect v1.9.3 and it is putting up some resistance. It now compiles OK but fails at runtime. There are two distinct problems one is fundamental: world age mismatch “function is too new” and way beyond my present understanding and the other … Read more

Kafka connect with debezium SMT routing and filters

Today I observe an outbox table that has several events of various types, products, payments, orders, etc…, all of them today go to the outbox topic. Here is how containers are configured today and how my MySQL connector is configured. zookeeper: image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:latest container_name: ecommerce-zookeeper environment: ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT: 2181 networks: – kafka kafka: image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:latest container_name: … Read more

Using rcc tool with Qt6 to convert .qrc to .py resource file

Installing rcc tool on Ubuntu 22.04 from the package qt6-base-dev-tools is returning error rcc: could not find a Qt installation of ”. The other way to convert these would be by using PySide6 pyside6-rcc, but I would like to do it without installing PySide6. I tried to fix it with similar problem, but the provided … Read more

Automatically Generating API Token in Strapi for Development

I’m currently working on a project using Strapi and Nextjs (they are seperated from each other), and I’m trying to streamline our development process by automatically obtaining an authentication token. This would help me avoid repetitive manual steps during development: opening the Strapi web interface, creating an API token and exporting it as an env … Read more