Verilog to truth table [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed yesterday. Improve this question The provided Nothing worked. I tried many options but it … Read more

How to estimate the cost of exporting Firebase Performance Monitoring to BigQuery

I am planning to export Firebase Performance Monitoring (FPM) data to BigQuery for analysis, using the following as a reference What are the specific steps and best practices to estimate the costs involved? I am a novice when it comes to BigQuery… I am looking forward to an answer from anyone who is kind … Read more

I would like to get ratings and destructure it when I console the props.ratings I get Array(1) but I get (found: object with keys {star, ,…}

ERROR Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {star, review, reviewDate, name, userID}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead. and my console.log(props.ratings) I get [{…}] 0 <> {props?, index) => { const { star, review, reviewDate, name, userID } = item; return ( … Read more

Powershell 2d array foreach loop [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Return Multidimensional Array From Function (3 answers) Closed yesterday. Currently I have a for each in a function. When I call it in 2 different scenarios is wierd. If the 2d array has multiple and ask for the first slot of each then it outputs correctly. for example: $packManagers … Read more

Formating CSV to JSON Python (Nested Objects)

I was trying to convert CSV to JSON Objects and I need to decode the nested objects. For example. “row_id”,_emitted_at,_data rid_1,124,”{“”property_id””:””xx””,””date””:””20220221″”,””active1DayUsers””:3}” rid_2,124,”{“”property_id””:””xx””,””date””:””20220222″”,””active1DayUsers””:2}” So what I need in { row_id: rid_1, _emitted_at :124, property_id : xx, date: 20220221, active1DayUsers: 3 } Do I have any third-party library to flatten the nested objects in CSV in Python? … Read more

AWS SES VerifyEmailIdentity with Lightsail

I am trying to use SES VerifyEmailIdentity in Python. It works totally fine on my local system however when we host on Lightsail instance the following error comes: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the VerifyEmailIdentity operation: User: arn:aws:sts::480862114276:assumed-role/AmazonLightsailInstanceRole/i-0e2s3ff15c45e0eb1 is not authorized to perform: ses:VerifyEmailIdentity because no identity-based policy allows the ses:VerifyEmailIdentity action Python code … Read more