Copy data from multiple Excel files to one worksheet in Google Sheets – ExcejJS – how to avoid overwriting data?

First of all – I’m a rookie, not a developer. I’m trying to copy data from multiple excel files, that are in one folder, to one worksheet in Google Sheets. I’m using excelJS and Google Sheets API. The issue is that despite I’m using “append” not “update” method, it overwrites the data. I assume it’s … Read more

Conditional inline text in Rmarkdown

I am trying to produce an automated html output using Rmarkdown. Some of the reports contain data for 2022 only and some contain data for 2017 and 2022. I want to conditionally print text based on what data is available for that clinic. I initially create a dataset where for each variable a 0 will … Read more

Secure connection between django and mysql

We have Django application and we are configuring ssl in the DATABASES settings in DATABASES[‘default’][‘ENGINE’] = ‘django.db.backends.mysql’ DATABASES[‘default’][‘NAME’] = ‘database’ DATABASES[‘default’][‘HOST’] = “v2_host” DATABASES[‘default’][‘USER’] = “v2_user” DATABASES[‘default’][‘PASSWORD’] = “password” DATABASES[‘default’][‘CONN_MAX_AGE’] = 180 DATABASES[‘default’][‘OPTIONS’] = {‘init_command’: ‘SET SESSION wait_timeout=300’, ‘ssl’: {‘cert’: “/home/myuser/certpath”, ‘key’: “/home/myuser/keypath”, } } We are able to connect the database using … Read more

VPN site-to-site client doesn´t get ping reply

ipsec A – B —-> C – D subnet A and B: subnet C and D: Ping from A to D = no reply … but tcpdump on B shows this: > ICMP echo reply A: B: C: D: When pinging from B to D, it works! … Read more

Cursor seems to return an empty set?

When executing the following Postgres script in pgAdmin I see an empty result set. create OR replace function xtest(inout rc refcursor) language plpgsql as $$ begin open rc for select unnest(‘{1,2,3}’::int2[]) id; end; $$; begin; select * from xtest(‘a’); fetch all from a; close a; commit; Shouldn’t this return rows “1,2,3”? What sort of adjustments … Read more

How to get results updated in TestRail from imported features?

I’m using BDD and my scenarios have certain tags including TestRail(123456). I have code written that reads the results and given the plan or run id, it updates the results into TestRail run. BUT since there are many new BDD scenarios and features recently added, I want to avoid creating them in TestRail manually, so … Read more

Google Cloud API php authentication fails

I closely followed the docs Created an service account on Google Cloud Console generated the key json file and saved as credentials.json enabled Google Play Android Developer API invited the service account email in the Google Play Console granted the permissions i use this code in php putenv(‘GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=’.__DIR__.’/credentials.json’); $client = new Google\Client(); $client->useApplicationDefaultCredentials(); … Read more

Multiple Hexagonal architecture with sprint boot

I work on a spring boot application with spring data and hibernate. I am using hexagonal architecture. I have 2 hexagons: ConnexionManagment OrderManagment Each hexagon interacts with the same table in the database called User. In the OrderManagment hexagon I use User table because user have a list of orders And in ConnexionManagment hexagon I … Read more