How to get user_id for OneSignal web notifications

I’m building website that allow users to register and receive real-time notification based on some events, i trying to use OneSignal for web notifications, so i already done this part and need help in collecting user token known as player_id and subscriber_id. I have checked OneSignal documentation with no luck to find answers to question … Read more

I can not mark entity manually in intent && can not detect the follow-up intents recently [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 5 hours ago. Improve this question As title , the problem I meet is shown … Read more

Some problems with reading json in python

I want to get json data in dictionary type, but i can only get it in list type. [ { “name”: “…”, “phones”: [ { “description”: “…”, “number”: “…” }, { “description”: “…”, “number”: “…” } ] } ] How can I get this json data in dict type? Hi! Welcome to StackOverflow! Please take … Read more

Python: FastAPI error 422 with POST request when sending JSON data

I’m building a simple API to test a database. When I use GET request everything works fine, but if I change to POST, I get 422 Unprocessable Entity error. Here is the FastAPI code: from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI()“/”) def main(user): return user Then, my request using JavaScript let axios = require(‘axios’) … Read more

Using a two-dimensional array in vue 3 template not working as expected

I am trying to use a two-dimensional array in a vue 3 template but I cant seem to access the array properly. I have this array structure shown here from Vue tools: My html template code is: <template v-for=”divsn in afc”> <!– eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-v-for-key –> <div>{{ divsn }}</div> <!– eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-v-for-key –> <table v-for=”team in … Read more

In SAP ABAP , when I use Call method (util class)=>GUI_DOWNLOAD to XLSX – it is displaying value of VEKP-EXIDV field value say ‘344230E+15’

internal table for download is Char field(for either long number or decimal field) ALV fieldcatalog eventhough matched with -fieldstructure(char 20 via Domain/Data definition) , it is issue during XLSX extracted file. Note: SAP_CONVERSION_TO_XLS_FORMAT call as well din’t resulted as expected. Please recommend AS-IS value of long string(more characters) display during XLS download process in SAP … Read more