Thymeleaf SpEL null on object that is not supposed to be null

I’m currently upgrading the dependencies on a company project, and thymeleaf ended up being one of the dependencies I had to upgrade, from thymeleaf2 to thymeleaf3. Right now, a lot of old thymeleaf templates are completely broken (granted, quite a bit of them were poorly done in the first place), but right now I’m having … Read more

Solve checkmarx Spring ModelView Injection

I have to solve this so called spring modelview injection in an old Spring MVC 2.5 application. Checkmarx says “The input processed by showForm in in line 112 is used to construct a ModelAndView object at in line 112”. This vulnerability is present whenever i use a param coming from the request to … Read more

Could not resolve……………files for configuration

When I run my project , I face this error 馃憞. How can I solve it??Please help me Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.DefaultLenientConfiguration$ArtifactResolveException: Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugCompileClasspath’. Caused by: org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.transform.TransformException: Failed to transform annotation-jvm-1.7.0.jar (androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm:1.7.0) to match attributes {artifactType=android-classes-jar, org.gradle.category=library, org.gradle.libraryelements=jar, org.gradle.status=release, org.gradle.usage=java-api, org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type=jvm}. Caused by: org.gradle.internal.resolve.ArtifactResolveException: Could not download annotation-jvm-1.7.0.jar (androidx.annotation:annotation-jvm:1.7.0): No … Read more

CMake C++ & CUDA: How to manipulate the compile options property only for a submodule and only for CUDA?

For example, a CMake submodule S has some compile flags inherited from its parent’s modules, like -std=C++14. But submodule S is a CUDA project that requires C++17. I removed this flag like the following: get_property(old_compile_opts路TARGET路SUBMODULE_S路PROPERTY路COMPILE_OPTIONS) list(REMOVE_ITEM路old_compile_opts路”-std=c++14″)路#路CUTE路requires路c++17,路avoid路overload # reset set_property(TARGET SUBMODULE_S PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS ${old_compile_opts}) add_compile_options(-std=c++17) But the CUDA FLAGS still has c++14, and only the CXX … Read more

Azure Static Web App JWT token generation

I’ve got an Azure static web app (with Azure functions as API). When the user log’s in we generate a token with the following code: function generateToken(user: User): string{ const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY; const tokenData = { userId:, } const tokenOptions = { expireIn: “2 days” } const token = jwt.sign(tokenData, process.env.SECRET_KEY, tokenOptions}); return … Read more

Count Palindrome Words in a string

You are given a string s of words. Your task is to find the number of palindrome words in the given string S. A word is called palindrome if it read the same from backward as well as forward. Words are separated by one or more whitespaces problem- When I am giving string only as … Read more

No Team Found in Archive

I have recently updated my mac and this weird issue has come up at the time of creating archive. I am getting “No team found in archive” error, after clicking “Distribute App” button. Here are the screen shots