MobaXterm Python user and password

I am trying to create a script that logs me into a machine throught Mobaxterm with python I am able to open Moba and log into the host with a specific username, but how do I automate the password as it currently prompts me to enter password Here is the small code: import subprocess import … Read more

How can I set up a universal link for a url that has one complicated path?

The URL in question is: We want our app to launch if the user taps login (that URL). The problem is that there seems to only be one path so we can’t really do something like “/login/*”. Here is our current AASA that does not work. { “applinks”: { “details”: [ { “appIDs”: [“9YLRJ9P8VS.swatchbookInc.SwatchBook”], … Read more

Keras accuracy does not change for multi-output module

I want to predict the penalty/punishment given for fraud cases, with inputs in the form of (damage amount($), if recidivism), and targets in the format of (fine($), jail(months), community service(hours), probation(months)) – the following is my code: fname = “filepath.tsv” all_in = [] all_out = [] with open(fname) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): … Read more

How can i transfer data in usercontrol to other usercontrol in VB

I’m trying to control a second user control form with this code. ` Public Sub LoadCandidateData(candidateID As Integer) Dim editCandidateForm As New databankEditcandidate() Using connection As OleDbConnection = DatabaseManager.GetConnection() Try connection.Open() Dim query As String = “SELECT * FROM dataBank WHERE ID = @CandidateID” Using command As New OleDbCommand(query, connection) command.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@CandidateID”, candidateID) Using reader As … Read more

What is the design approach for this problem statement?

Currently there are 200 customers and each of them have their own code base which has almost exact same code. The level of differences are as follows There are values in app.config and based on that the Business logic varies for each customer. The different methods have different code. For example, for client 1 the … Read more

Should a password salt be stored in a database

I try to understand where to store password salts. Every question here doesn’t help me to understand where to store them. Should it be saved into the database as an extra column per user or should it be saved somewhere else? I’m asking this because if the is user performing a login then my program … Read more